Enterprise Licence Solutions is an independent consultancy delivering software spend analysis, software asset management, vendor audit support, licence contract negotiation, cloud migration and review services. We work solely in the interests of our customers and have no tie to any incentives from software vendors.

We help medium and large businesses across Australia ensure they’re fully aware of both the range of suitable options available for their operation and their entitlements and obligations under their current licences.

Enterprise Licence Solutions will clarify and simplify IT jargon, helping you find the most suitable platform for your business while communicating licencing solutions in clear business terms, providing a common understanding from the coal face to the board room.


We will work closely with your business stakeholders, IT organisation, vendors and resellers to ensure all opportunities for improvement and issues with current licence contracts and software suites are brought to light and addressed.

With the help of ELS, you will be able to understand what you have now and what you need to do to help your business succeed now and into the future.

How can

you handle mergers, acquisitions and divestments?

Are you

properly licenced for what you are doing?

Do your

licence contracts allow you to change in the future?

Do you

have a clear view of what is being used, by whom and how?

Are you

only paying for what you need?


We're here to help

We will assess your current entitlements and explain your current licencing position in business terms – highlighting under/over licencing, compliance risks and budget requirements, ensuring that your organisation’s financial and operational needs are comprehensively met.

Do you

understand the overall strategy of your enterprise?

How do

you align vendor product sets to deliver on your IT roadmap?

How is

this translated into your IT roadmap?

What is

your contingency plan if things change?


We will work with your business stakeholders, IT organisation and service providers to devise a contract position that leverages vendor offerings to enable your business strategy.

This will help you better understand both your current licencing situation as well as the range of options available to your company, to get a better outcome.

What are

your current entitlements and obligations?

What is

your current bargaining position?

How is

this translated into your IT roadmap?

What are

your key bargaining levers?


We will work with your customers, IT organisation and service providers to provide a clear roadmap to leverage your existing investments as you move to cloud, therefore avoiding overpayment and compliance issues.

Our knowledge of the available cloud services ensures that we will be able to guide you towards the most suitable option for your company, delivering the flexibility, convenience and functionality you need to help your business step confidently into the newest era of enterprise computing.

Can you use

current licences as part of a new solution in the cloud?

What are

you getting for your subscriptions?

Are you

paying for software components twice?

What are

your Cloud service provider’s responsibilities?

Who is

liable for audit and compliance?

How can

you get out of a cloud service?


We will partner with your IT organisation to identify key opportunities and create a plan to enhance IT services and reduce costs and risk, broaden the capabilities of your organisation and reduce your operating expenses.

Become aware of the next step to take, thanks to our ongoing IT and software asset management audits.

Are your

licence entitlements embedded in your IT asset management processes?

Are you

fully utilising your licence inventory?

Do your

procurement practices reflect your entitlements?

How do

you ensure that your operational processes maintain compliance?


We will work with your IT organisation and auditor to ensure a clear process, good communication and the best outcome for the customer.

Are you

likely to endure an  audit in the foreseeable future?

What are

your rights and how should you engage the auditor?

How do

you devise a defensible position?

What can

you do to prepare for an audit?

Where are

your key exposures and what can you do about them?

How do

you use compliance issues as bargaining chips?